I haven't "blogged" in awhile. It probably has alot to do with my past few months back at the University. To give you a quick re-cap; I am incredibly busy with class and organizations, and I've been accepted to go back to Haiti in December. Thus meaning that the majority of the past few weeks have been filled with me attempting to do fund raising to support the cost of my trip. I think my biggest project is a concert I'm putting on next week. There I am actually having merch to sell, a opening band, and putting on a two hour set afterward. Its a little over my head and with the already busy year I'm having I sometimes feel as though I am sinking under the pressure of everything.
I still find myself in the constant control of God. Day to day I feel as if I am in absolute control of my path, and that I'm the only one that can direct, and change what I am, and going to do. But as I continue in my journey, I can not help to notice I have no control. My big question for God this year was, "Where should my ministry be focused?". I love music and teaching the Bible, but I've always have been confused on the fact of which one should I pursue. I've lead worship for a large Southern Baptist church here in central Texas for about a year, and I have also interned at a very large church in the Houston area. But I still have yet to find a decisive sign that is signaling me to one area.
In my search for a sign I've been focusing on music this year. Really trying to understand it and make something of it for once. Every opportunity to play with others, to open for a band, or play on campus I've at least attempted to take hoping that through these exercises and the passion be able to discern some sort of answer. Please don't misunderstand, I know I can't just make my own answer up, God is the only one who can give me that. But that I am constantly looking and hoping for it. Which brings me to some exciting news. Last week I had the chance to hang out and talk to worship leader/songwriter Aaron Ivey, Steven Bush, and Phillip Ellis as they played a House Show at the local college house. Ivey and I had spoken before, since it wasn't his first visit here, but this time we were really able to share alot about something we both have in common. Haiti. It was a blessing to be able to speak with someone that shared a similar passion for ministry and music. Though it was only a fairly brief conversation it was definitely a huge encouragement. I now am taking part in a exercise he's come up with in the past year called "7in7", basically what you do is write 7 complete, and new songs in 7 days. Then on the 8th day you meet up with Ivey and everyone else who is taking part and share a song with the group. I'm really excited about doing this, ecstatic actually even though I know I'm going to write some really really crappy songs in those 7 days.
Not that I'm trying to brown nose my way into a successful artists clique of friends, or trying to show off and impress people by doing this or saying these things. I am merely viewing this as another way of that God is directing me through the discernment of my life's ministry.
I so wish I could come and help support you in your trip to Haiti. I will definitely be praying that God's will is played out as you raise funds. Good Luck with the concert!