Monday, January 31, 2011

Weekend Recap

This past weekend was probably one of the best few days I've had in awhile. Friday I was able to meet with a small studio in Austin and lock down some definite information about recording an EP this summer. I also had the opportunity to hang out and listen to some great Austin musicians, the Courrier and Aaron Ivey guys. If you haven't heard of them your missing out. Go to and to give them a listen. Then on Saturday I took a trip to Lampasas to visit my good friend and fellow musician Clay Tyner. I know Clay because he came to Haiti this last trip and was one of the few people I had the pleasure of connecting with. We had a great time "shooting-the-breeze", driving the roads, and crashing his churches DNOW. I actually ended up running into Jimmie Ingram while I was there too. Jimmie plays with many bands around Austin, but predominately with Aaron Ivey and The Austin Stone Community Church. So it was funny to see him again after already seeing him the previous night at The Parish.

I say all of this to give the example of how great my weekend has been, because on Saturday night there was a definite change of pace. I'm aware of spiritual warfare, probably a little more than most. Not that I am superstious or believe in the supernatural of monsters, or aliens. But that Satan and his demons are out to encourage and distract Christ followers from their pathes of Godliness. I think that sometimes takes forms of sin, different unhealthy emotions, and even simple day to day struggles that typically don't happen. We find in John 10:10 that Jesus gives us a clear understanding of what is happening.

In saying all of this, as I was trying to sleep on Saturday, I experienced something that I never thought I would. I had very intense, graphic and frieghtening dreams of things chasing me, and inflicting extreme pain. It was much like the movie SAW if your familiar with that. Normally when these sorts of dreams occur, which they almost never do, I typically just wake up, but for some reason I couldn't. It was as though something was keeping me in the dream. Not to mention I could feel a presences in the room with me, asthough something was standing on my bed next to where I was lying. It was probably the craziest experience that I have ever dealt with. When I finally awoke, my room was pitch black when tyipically there is some light from the street light outside my window. As I slowly became coherent the only thing I could do was to sit up and start quoting scripture, praying out loud, and repeating Jesus' name. After doing this for almost 15mins straight I finally felt safe enough to move around and stare at Facebook for about an hour, then drift back to sleep, with every light on in the room.

I am not quite sure where I am going with this, but I hope you don't think I am in need of some sort of counseling or exorcism. I basically just wanted to confess this experience so that you would know about it, be able to pray and be aware of the enemy that IS real and IS trying to attack us by all means possible. In my case my subconscious while I am asleep. I'd like to conclude this post with encouragement. For those of us who are one with Christ we have no need to worry, because the same power that conquered the grave lives in us, and as long as we put our faith and believe there will always be power in the precious name of Jesus Christ.

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