Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Prayer is such a fickle thing. It's a our life line to God, our direct connection. He hears us, He even looks past our words and into our hearts to what we are really wanting and desiring. He knows the essence of why we are praying. Though we know what prayer looks like between God and His creation, how is prayer suppose to look like on our portion of the equation?

I first began to ponder on this long ago, I never thought I had a problem communicating with God. I would pray every night before I went to bed and prayed for help if I had any issues or situations during the day. But whats the problem with this? Prayer is meant to be much more than simple requests. Prayer is difficult. It soon became difficult for me when I analyzed my communication with Him. What was I asking? What was the content of my heart? What are my true motives of prayer? How often am I praying? What am I conversing with God about? It can be a challenge to communicate with a God, who honestly dosn't need you in any way, shape or form, including your thoughts and concerns towards Him and His Kingdom.

The beautiful thing about this though is that by God allowing us to be able to communicate with Him, is an example of Him actively pursuing and desiring a connection with His creation. Which gives us hope and encourages us to speak with Him about out concerns, thoughts, and even just our daily lives.

So again, how is our prayer life supposed to look? If our job as Christians is to be as much like God as possible, and God is actively pursuing use, then we should in part be doing the same. We in our day to day lives, schedules, and patterns must be communicating to God in confession, honesty, joy, and praise. But also we should be doing the same for the people in our lives as well.

Honestly interceding for others in prayer is probably the easiest and most important thing to do in our walk of Christian Spirituality. If we have people that we deeply care about, if we have children, or if we have a spouse, should it not be natural for us to lift those people up in prayer to God?

This has been a focus of mine in the previous weeks. That my prayer life should be edifying towards others and God, also including my confession and honesty in addition. Would you join me in this?

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