Monday, January 31, 2011

Weekend Recap

This past weekend was probably one of the best few days I've had in awhile. Friday I was able to meet with a small studio in Austin and lock down some definite information about recording an EP this summer. I also had the opportunity to hang out and listen to some great Austin musicians, the Courrier and Aaron Ivey guys. If you haven't heard of them your missing out. Go to and to give them a listen. Then on Saturday I took a trip to Lampasas to visit my good friend and fellow musician Clay Tyner. I know Clay because he came to Haiti this last trip and was one of the few people I had the pleasure of connecting with. We had a great time "shooting-the-breeze", driving the roads, and crashing his churches DNOW. I actually ended up running into Jimmie Ingram while I was there too. Jimmie plays with many bands around Austin, but predominately with Aaron Ivey and The Austin Stone Community Church. So it was funny to see him again after already seeing him the previous night at The Parish.

I say all of this to give the example of how great my weekend has been, because on Saturday night there was a definite change of pace. I'm aware of spiritual warfare, probably a little more than most. Not that I am superstious or believe in the supernatural of monsters, or aliens. But that Satan and his demons are out to encourage and distract Christ followers from their pathes of Godliness. I think that sometimes takes forms of sin, different unhealthy emotions, and even simple day to day struggles that typically don't happen. We find in John 10:10 that Jesus gives us a clear understanding of what is happening.

In saying all of this, as I was trying to sleep on Saturday, I experienced something that I never thought I would. I had very intense, graphic and frieghtening dreams of things chasing me, and inflicting extreme pain. It was much like the movie SAW if your familiar with that. Normally when these sorts of dreams occur, which they almost never do, I typically just wake up, but for some reason I couldn't. It was as though something was keeping me in the dream. Not to mention I could feel a presences in the room with me, asthough something was standing on my bed next to where I was lying. It was probably the craziest experience that I have ever dealt with. When I finally awoke, my room was pitch black when tyipically there is some light from the street light outside my window. As I slowly became coherent the only thing I could do was to sit up and start quoting scripture, praying out loud, and repeating Jesus' name. After doing this for almost 15mins straight I finally felt safe enough to move around and stare at Facebook for about an hour, then drift back to sleep, with every light on in the room.

I am not quite sure where I am going with this, but I hope you don't think I am in need of some sort of counseling or exorcism. I basically just wanted to confess this experience so that you would know about it, be able to pray and be aware of the enemy that IS real and IS trying to attack us by all means possible. In my case my subconscious while I am asleep. I'd like to conclude this post with encouragement. For those of us who are one with Christ we have no need to worry, because the same power that conquered the grave lives in us, and as long as we put our faith and believe there will always be power in the precious name of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Getting Things in Order

It's been a bit since I last shared my thoughts.

Mostly because not much has been going on.

I've had a much easier transition into the States than last time, other than my stomach becoming very particular of what it comes into contact with. I recently met some of my friends at Taco Bell for dinner, and as soon I finished my meal it felt as though my stomach was screaming at me from all the grease that I had ingested. Though this is an obnoxious trait to have brought back from Haiti with me, it is causing me to eat healthier.

I'm also find joy in the was God is challenging me. Most probably wouldn't, because it is frustrating. I've been working on my disciplines, specifically reading His word, personal stewardship and communicating more with Him. I've been waking up a littler earlier than usual and reading before my day. But ironically because I get up earlier I get tried faster, and then I tend to sleep in... So it's a challenge of getting my priorities in order so I can go to bed before midnight for once. Secondly on the issue of personal stewardship, my education, this has been a huge struggle. I can honestly say I am completely fed up with school and am ready to drop out this very second. The only thing keeping me from this is knowing that I have to get my degree in order to fulfill God's calling for my life, so I continue to push forward. Lastly, it is very easy in our American culture to make ourselves so busy that we forget to acknowledge God. I do it all the time, which is why I'm trying to take time each day to pause and communicate with my Creator, and Savior.

To conclude this update, It's been really neat to see some relationships strengthen around me. In the last few days I've had the opportunity to causally meet and talk to some fellow campus leaders. I can't explain how its been to network with others on campus about methods of servant leadership. We don't always realize when God open's doors for us, but when we do it's something special that as apart of the creation I really cannot fully explain.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Haitian Christmas Journals

In my last trip to Haiti, I posted a few stories of some events that occurred while we were there. This time I am going to disclose to you my Journals from this last trip. Enjoy.

Day 1

It's strange being back in Haiti. I really never thought I would be back here, regardless of the hopes I had. It has definitely been all of God's doing getting me back in this country. It's a different group this time, but so far its not a bad thing. There are the similar characters as last, the comic, the serious, the overly excited, and etc. I feel as though I take the role of the veteran. I'm one of the four people on our team that has been here before. I am not sure what exactly God has in store for me, but like the divine being He is, He has a plan. I keep praising God for this opportunity, the Tap-Tap, the airport, the people and especially the food. I was happy to see Jean Helix again. He has made lots of improvements on his house, and welcomed us in like usual. They had a typically large Haitian meal prepared for us on our arrival. Most people ate, and then we concluded our day of travel with a team meeting. Even though it's only 8:45pm everyone is heading to bed now.

Day 2

Today was our first day of work. I was very happy to hear we wouldn't be doing much construction on this trip. Seeing as my last visit we constructed a school, and repaired rafters for the majority of the time. An all so because we have again a lot of girls on this trip with us too. When we woke up I was sad to not see any mangoes for breakfast, but still the coffee and other fruits were as good as ever. We quickly ate and left for Marotiere. Marotiere is about 30mins north of Guibert and Kenscoff into the mountains. We rode as far as we could in the Tap-Tap then hiked to the location of the school we would be working on for about a mile. The clouds were low, and close to the mountains this morning. We walked through them for the majority of the morning. It was nice to see some of the older boys from the home had joined us to help today; Austin, Wilberson, Ginsly and Kenjohn. The school was in pretty bad shape, it definitely needed a good cleaning and paint job. We spent the majority of the day prepping the rooms, and cutting in on the corners, so that the following days would go by faster. On the way home I was able to ride on the back on the Tap-Tap like a true Haitian. It was nice to be back, to know what to expect, and being able to fully take part this time. Like usual we ended our day with a bucket shower, a nice meal, and a team meeting.

Day 3

Today was the second day of work. It's been nice seeing familiar faces, familiar sounds, and smells. We are working in a part of Haiti I have yet to see, we are higher in the mountains than I've ever been before. The area is beautiful and the neighboring mountain is one of the tallest peaks in Haiti. It's an awe inspiring sight as we work and walk during the day. It's funny to see how much attention we draw while we are here, because we are the only white people in the area. It's even funnier to think that I could be the first white person a child has ever seen, and maybe even the only one they ever will. But everyone we pass on the road or encounter in general always great us with a large Haitian smile. I am concerned about our team. I can see some conflicts starting to form, and issues with food and manners too. But as I see this I have to remind myself it is very possible it is merely warfare. The demonic forces know the power God has over the team and my heart for Haiti. I could only suspect the forces at hand swill stop at nothing to distract me from His plan.

Day 4

Today we had to get as close to finishing the school as we could. I was attacked ruthlessly last night, which continued into today by Satan. Needless to say this followed me into my work and there were time when I was very snappy and moody, and got very angry when people at lunch would not eat their food. The Haitians have been spoiling with us with our meals with mounds of spaghetti, chicken, french fries, and fruit. The amount that they are giving us could only cost thousands of dollars in their currency. A relief came today though when I was share some of these things with Jen, and converse about them. In other news I was able to talk to Ginsley and share with the other boys about life in the states and relate spiritual topics with them.

Day 5

I got a full nights rest last night on the couch. Jeff's snoring kept me up for to long, and it sounded like he was dying so I really could fall asleep while I was lying in the next bed beside him. Our last time to walk the mountain to the school is today. It's a satisfying feeling knowing that our task is accomplished. We only had to clean the floor and rearrange the desks and all would be done. It's such a joy to think that our three days of work will allow close to 300 children to have practically a brand new school. We later went to the Baptist Mission to eat lunch, and purchase gifts and what no. I got post cards, a gift for my mom, and a hat for a dollar. The only thing I really wanted was vanilla and coffee. Everything else is to common or too large to transport. We also have the privilege of celebrating the new year with Jean Helix and his church. As I am here writing in the sanctuary at something like 2:30am. It is freezing and the little ones are sleeping all over the team. We have worshiped in song, skit, preaching, prayer, fellowship, and now Pastor is informing his congregation about the Cholera that is spreading through the country. It's obvious that the church in Guibert is a light shining in a very dark place. This church is truly every sense of the Biblical word. They are reaching and ministering to every member of its community. Pastor Jean Helix told us last week they lead the local voodoo with doctor to salvation and burnt all of his idols and voodoo tools. It is a blessing and encouragement to hear these things happening in Haiti.

Day 6

Today is Sunday. In Haiti, not just Christian culture, Sunday is the day of rest. This morning as we went to church, where the markets are usually pack shoulder to shoulder, there were only a few people. On the road this morning, it was interesting to see Haitians walking to church in their Sunday best. This pretty much included a coat or jacket, collared shirt, tie and nice hat. Most women had on nice dresses and some even had on formal wear. When we arrived at church in Guibert, everyone had Sunday school together in the sanctuary for about an hour. Once that was complete normal service began, followed the typical pattern of any other church in the states. The only thing different was that in the end of this service Jean Helix called upon a man in the congregation to stand. In French he announced the welcoming of a new member, I'm not sure what his name was, but everyone one applauded like the usual. When we were done at church, finished playing with the boys, and on the way home Jen and Jeff let us in on what had really happened at the end of church. Apparently the man that stood up, the new member, had previously been the town of Guibert's Witch Doctor. They said that Jean Helix and other people from the church lead him to salvation in Christ a week ago, and went to his home and disposed all of his Voodoo tools, idols and other things by fire. In America we really don't have a very strong understanding of what it means to have these evil pressures tempting and attacking us. Where as in other countries it is a day to day thing, that forces people to either fall, or to completely depend on God. Such a thing that I know that I have no clue about. I find myself going day to day all the while not even acknowledging the Divine that allows me to be. These are the things that I think God is working inside me while I am here, and what will travel back home with me tomorrow.

Day 7

Today has been a day completely dedicated to travel. We've spent 20hrs in airports, airplanes, or cars.... I really don't have much to say other than Jen, Jeff and I's surprise waiting for us in the ATX parking lot. Once we finally traveled home we found Jeff's SUV with not only a flat tire but a dead battery.... We arrived back in Belton at about 12am when we should have arrived at 10 or 11. Other than the unfortunate ending the trip was good, and the next days and weeks will be dedicated to sorting through all that still remains with my life and missions.